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Policies, Expectations & Etiquette 

How to be a Student at Sparrow Dance Productions

As a Conservatory of Dance, Sparrow Dance Productions aims to promote and present the highest caliber of dance and performance education throughout all aspects of the dancers’ training, time and experience with Sparrow. It is mandatory to follow Sparrow expectations of proper etiquette both at the physical Sparrow location as well as off site for any competitions, performances, recitals etc… Remember, as a Sparrow student and/or Sparrow affiliate, including any/all family members/guardians, you carry the Sparrow Dance Productions name and brand. Please carefully read the following expectations then return a signed copy stating that you have read, understand, and agree to abide by the Sparrow Dance Productions policies set forth in writing. We will also provide copies of the document at the studio for your convenience. The following policies apply to ALL students including the very youngest dancer. 


Daily Student Etiquette and Expectations 


  1. No gum chewing allowed in any of the dance studios or on stage. 

  2. Dress code attire ONLY for classes. (see dress code requirements) 

    1. Please arrive in dress code attire, or plan enough time to change at the dance studio prior to the class start time.

  3. No Foul/Inappropriate language or conversations. Meaning no gossip, no crude/sarcastic comments and no cursing permitted in dance studios or lobbies.

  4. No food or drink inside the studios other than a bottle of water with a secured lid. 

    1. Please properly dispose of all trash items in a trash receptacle.

  5. No disrespect towards peers or faculty. 

    1. Students are expected to keep their hands to themselves.

    2. No running, screaming, or climbing on furniture in the dance studios or lobbies.

    3. Wait quietly and patiently until it is your turn for one-on-one work.

    4. When any teacher is speaking to the class or an individual, all students are expected to remain quiet and respectful working on their own or receiving all corrections.

    5. Please do not do things that do not match the class you are in. For example, do not practice acro stunts in the middle of Ballet class as this is a huge safety concern as well as distracting.   

    6. Students are NOT to correct one another in classes and/or rehearsals as this takes away from everyone’s training experience. Let the teachers teach.

    7. Students are NEVER to stand between the teacher and the mirror, walk in front of the teacher while the teacher is instructing nor interrupt the teacher unless it is an emergency. ***This applies to parents/guardians as well. If there is a concern, please bring it to the teacher’s attention AFTER class or speak with either of the owners. 

    8. Absolutely no sitting down between combinations in any class unless instructed to do. There is no reason to sit on the sidelines while others are dancing as it is your responsibility to pay attention at all times and to keep your bodies warm and stretched. 

    9. FOR EVERY CLASS, students are to thank their teacher one at a time before leaving the room. This is not just for Ballet classes but for every class. 

  6. No excessive tardiness. Being consecutively late to classes compromises your training and physical health as well as distracts from the students who arrived on time. If students arrive later than ten minutes after class has begun, the student will not be allowed to take class and will have to make up their class at another time. ***No credits will be given as a result of a class missed due to tardiness. 

  7. No hanging on the Ballet barres. Again, this is a huge safety concern as well as a sign of laziness and disrespect. If a student is asked more than two times to stop hanging on the barres, the student will have to dance away from the barre for the remainder of that class.  

  8. Parents, please do not stand at an open studio door or window if it causes obvious distractions to the students/teachers taking class.  The studio doors may be shut at the instructor/directors discretion

    1. There are monitors in both waiting areas that will allow parents/guardians to view the classes as they are taking place.

  9. Students are to be picked up promptly at the conclusion of their class meeting times.

  10. Absences should be communicated by emailing or calling 505-985-7947 and leaving a message.


Every student is expected to conduct themselves as responsible young professionals at all times. Failure to comply may result in disciplinary action determined by the owners at Sparrow Dance Productions. Thank you in advance for your participation in creating the safest, healthiest and most elegant of environments that a Conservatory of Dance offers.

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